Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Recipes I've tried and liked...

Here are some links to some recipes I've tried and liked. I now have these bookmarked on our laptop, so you know they must be good! :)

Main Dishes--

Angel Chicken Pasta (I add fresh mushrooms to this and only use a 1/2 pound of angel hair instead of the pound they call for.)

Marinated Pork Tenderloin

Poppy Seed Chicken

Corn Dog Chili (a Rachael Ray recipe)

Slow Cooker Beef Stroganoff (I add fresh mushrooms and take out the onions in this one)

Baked Pork Chops
(I do this all on the stovetop and skip the oven on this one. It wasn't necessary in my opinion.)

Hawaiian Chicken (I serve this over brown rice with a side of broccoli)

Artichoke Chicken (So easy!)

Chicken Casserole Mississippi (I don't use nearly as much chicken as called for. A pound and a half, at most is what I use.)

Farmhouse Chicken Dinner

Crockpot Red Wine & Cranberries Glazed Pot Roast
(I made this on Christmas Eve except with a 4 lb. pork loin instead of a pot roast and it was awesome!)

Cordon Bleu Chicken Rolls

Slow Cooker Chicken Stroganoff (Haven't made this yet, but plan on it this week!)

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